Saturday 25 July 2015

ArShi FF - Wretched Past

© Lucky

[Cover Credit : +Sravya Luckyrshi  ]

Note: #1 above doesn't mean any series, well up until now it isn't. It's just a number I tagged as to say this is my first story with this a/c.



He lost his heart for her. She cared for two of them. His and her.

He loved her. She loved him more, more that is enough for them both.

He dreamed for them. She laid down with him giving in her suggestions and smiling when the dream came out in perfect.

Alas! The perfect never changed to true. Their priorities changed and so did their love but their perfect dreams never became true.

They tried but she didn't. They fought but she didn't. They gave up and she went away.

Their love broke so did their heart. Both comforted that it would be healed.

Then came an unwelcomed entry. Is the person's entrance in their lives good or bad?

Their ways separated so did their dreams. They comforted that they will make a life for themselves without one another.

They thought they were never going to cross paths. But, will it be really possible. True the world is vast but still, it takes a moment for a person to meet one. Is it that easy to betray that moment and not come in front of another?

The story of two destiny's. Meant to be together or not? No one know, not even the couple themselves. Are they destined to be together? Will they meet? Who's the third person in all these? Is the third person there to strengthen the bond or to make it more weak? What is it that they both are fated to find in future? Together forever or together never? But remember destiny is never too easy and karma is a bit*ch.

Want to know the answers? Curious for revelation. Then stay buckled up and ready, I'm going to take you through the roller coaster of love and hate, happy and sad, life of two individuals. Arnav and Khushi. Will there happen anything sane in their all? Wait up to know more.

My voice, two lives, many and many roller coaster of feelings and emotions. The ride is all set to begin...soon!

Hope you all enjoy the story as much as I do writing it. After all, it is about Arnav and Khushi. Why wouldn't I be excited? ;-)

Leave comments and let me know people. Follow the blog and leave your words. They mean the world!

Cya all soon fellas,

Lots of love,

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